When the Index finger of the Suchi Mudra is bent, we get the Tamrachuda hasta. Also while the doing the Mukula hasta, if the Index finger is held like a question mark, we get the Tamrachuda. Tamrachua means a Cock or a Cocks head.
Lets see the Viniyoga shloka
Kukkutadau bakay kakay ushtre vatse cha lekhane
yujyate tamrachudakhyaha karo bharatavedibhihi
This shloka says that tamrachuda can denote :
- Kukkutadau : A Rooster, Cock or to show bird heads
- bakay: A Heron, Crane
- kakay: A Crow
- Oshtre: A Camel
- vatse: A Calf
- lekhane: A pen that is used to engrave.