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Natta Adavu Sollukettu

This Audio gives the Bols or syllables for the whole of Natta Adavu. This is sung in three speeds for the purpose of practice.
The Bols are Tai Yum Tat Tat Tai Hi Ya Ha


If you would like to download the audio,right click here and save to computer


  1. Senshya

    Hi Anjali,
    I’m 12 years old living in Uk with my parents and I’m from Kerala,India.I started learning learning bharatnatyam when I was 8.But I didnt know the sollukettu.Now I know it.
    because you added the sollukettu in your website.
    thanks a lot!!!

  2. amrita

    Hii Anjali !!! Thanks for this wonderful website … i have started learning bharatnatyam from it. how much time is ideally required to practice each adavu step .
    i am finding some difficulties in practicing these adavus at fast speed . can you please suggest something to overcome this.
    it would be great if you can post videos of these at fast sollukettu. viewers can practice with these videos .


  3. Anjali

    Hello Amrita,
    Thanks. Glad to know you are able to practice. You need to practice until it becomes your second nature. For fast speed try giving counts like 1,2,3,12 etc depending upon the bols. So while the bols are said you try saying the equivalent numbers. I donot know if the videos in third speed would be effective since they are not easily understood. yet I shall try posting one.

  4. Sithara Devi

    Namaste Anjali,

    Your website provides excellent quality instruction and explanations with the accompanying audios and I am able to rehearse from USA until I return in Chennai. I really love your website and have recommended it to some of my yoga students!


    Sithara Devi

  5. Alankriti Rastogi

    Hi Anjali,
    this is an awesome website. i used to learn bharatnatyam but i left due to some reasons…. Now m easily able to remember all the steps i had alrdy learnt and can also learn the new ones well from you. You are my new teacher…
    “Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
    Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
    Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
    Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha”

  6. Milan

    Hi Anjali Chechi,
    When I do the Nattu Adavu my arms really hurt when I have to do it for a really long time.What should I do? šŸ™

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