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Visharu Adavu Fourth Step

Hope you are finding these lessons interesting. The fourth step will introduce you to a new hand gesture called Dola. It is a part of Samyukta Hasta. This is a very popular step used in many dance items. Take a look at the Video for the fourth step.

The Bols are the same Ta Tai Tai Ta Dhit Tai Tai Ta. Let see how this step in done to the right side

1.Be in Ardhamandala with left hand in Dola Hasta and right hand close to the chest in Katakamukha Mudra.


2. Tap Your Right leg while in Ardhamandala. Your right hand in katakamukha close to the chest and left hand in Dola hasta. Say Ta.

3. Tap your right leg slightly away from the earlier tapped position. Right hand stretched above the head in Alapadama Mudra. Left hand in Dola Hasta. This hand will remain in this hasta till the right side is over. Say Tai.


4 . Take your left leg behind the right in Swastikam (crossed leg position). Hands move down slightly and are placed at an 45 degree angle (above shoulder level) in Alapdama Mudra. Say Tai.


5. With the right leg uncross and tap in Ardhamandala position. Right hand moving down is now placed at the shoulder level in Alapadma Mudra. Left hand in Dola Hasta.Say Ta.


6. Now Tap your Left leg in Arhamandala. Right hand is at the shoulder. Left hand in Dola Hasta. Say Dhit.

7. Tap your left leg again slightly away from the earlier tapped position. Right hand moves above the shoulder (like in 4 above). Left hand in Dola Hasta. Say Tai.

8. Now cross your right leg behind the left (swastikam). Right Hand held above the head in katakamukha mudra facing up. Left hand in Dola Hasta. Say Tai.


9. Here uncross your legs to tap your left feet in Ardhamandala posture. Right hand held in Katakamukha Mudra close to the chest and left hand in Dola hasta. Say Ta.

Here we complete the right hand side. Mirror all the above instruction to your left hand side for the second count.


  1. Archana

    What a lovely and helpful idea…..I am new to Bharatanatyam at age 60!! and appreciate it so much!!! Your visual depictions of the movements are very helpful. Jaya MA!!! with bratitude, Archana

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