When the Index finger of the Suchi Mudra is bent, we get the Tamrachuda hasta. Also while the doing the Mukula hasta, if the Index…
Mukula means a Bud. When all the five finger are brought together and touch each other at the tip, we get the Mukula hasta. …
When the pataka hasta is placed to the sides of the thigh we get the Dola hasta. The most important aspect is how the elbows…
When the Anjali Mudra is slightly bulging at the knuckles of the palm we get the Kapota Hasta. In this gesture the palms touch each…
In Hamsasye the Thumb and the Index finger touch each other at the tips, while the other fingers are straight, separated and stretched. Hamsasye means…
When the Index finger in the Katakamukha mudra, is placed in between the middle finger and the thumb we get the Bhramara mudra. The Index…
When both the palms in Pataka are joined together we get the Anjali Mudra. In fact in the Indian culture this Mudra is very often…
Sandamsha involves closing and opening of fingers. It means all the finger get closer touching each other at the tip and then open up separating.…
When the Ring finger of the Arala mudra is bent we get Shukatunda Hasta. Viniyoga shlokam Banaprayogaye kuntarthay eva aalayasya smriti kramay marmoktyam mrugabhaveshu…
Samyukta Hastas are also called as Double hand gestures or Combined hand gestures. Unlike Asamyukta hastas, these gestures require use of both the palms to…