1. Be in Ardhamandala with hands close to the chest in Katakamukha mudra. 2. Stretch your leg to your right hand side in Alidha .…
Lets have a look at the Eleventh Step today. This step is usually used for spanning the stage and cover larger areas. It is also…
Here is a description of Natta Adavu Eleventh Step. You can view the video for this step to better understand this Adavu variation. 1. Be…
Like the Natta Adavu ninth step, the tenth step is also slightly different from the eighth step. You can view the video for this step…
Here is the Video for the Tenth Step of Natta Adavu. Thanks for Watching! back to Natta Adavu Index
It is done when the Index finger is bent while doing the Pataka Mudra. Here the index finger is bent along with the thumb, while…
Chandrakalaa means Digit of the Moon. Release the thumb in Suchi Mudra and hold it straight (like in Shikhara gesture). Viniyoga shloka: Chandray mukhay cha…
This video shows how the ninth step of Natta adavu. As I said earlier it is only an extension of the eighth step Read the…
Ninth Step is an extension of the Eight Step. 1. Be in Ardhamandala hands held in katakamukha mudra close to the chest. 2. Jump on…
The Middle finger, Ring finger and Little finger is pressed against the thumb, while the forefinger is held straight. It is used to denote the…