The ring finger and the tip of the thumb touch each other while the other fingers are held straight without any gap.
Following is the Viniyoga Shloka for Mayura:
Mayurasye latayam cha Shakune Vamane Tatha
Alakasyap-nayane Lalatatilakeshu cha
Nadhyudhakasya Nikshepe shastravade prasidhake
Ayammartheshu yujyante mayurakarabhavanah:
Mayura can be used to denote the following
- Mayurasye: Mayura means Peacock. It depicts a peacock’s neck
- Lataayaam: A Creeper
- Shakune: A Bird
- Vamane: Vomiting
- Alakasyap-nayane: Separating the hair locks
- Lalatatilakesh: Applying Tilak on the forehead
- Nadhyudhakasya Nikshepe: Dispersing water of the river
- prasidhake: Something Famous
- shastravaade: Discussing the Shastras
Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by a creeper?
Here creeper means the plants that spread along the ground in a crawl. It could also denote climbers that attach to something that grows upwards, like a tree or a fence.
Dance is my passion.
I love it.
Thank you for this explanation. I came here seeking an explanation for this hand gesture, after seeing this 17th-Century icon of Christ on Wikipedia.
But why do people do that sign and for what reason?
The do that sign to represent the denotations listed in dance format
they do that sign to represent the certain denotations listed in dance shown in the video