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Tatta adavu first and second variation sollukettu (Audio)

Many readers have asked for the sollukettu audio. Click on the player below and hear the sollukettu (bols or syllables) for first and the second variation of Tatta Adavu. The Bols are “Tai Ya Tai Hi“.

If you would like to download the audio, right click here and save to computer

This Audio has the sollukettu in three speeds as students are required to practice at different speeds.

Tatta adavu first step

Tatta adavu second step

First and the second step video


  1. akshata

    Thanks for uploading an audio…..

    but madam can u please upload any song that we can choose for performing Natta adavu ….

  2. kshitija shetty

    Dear Madam,
    I am not able to view the sollukettu audio of tatta adavu in this website. Earlier it was possible to do it. What should I do?

  3. priya

    Dear Madam,
    by seeing ur website i am so interested in bharatanatyam dance.,
    thank u for giving this opportunity

  4. sruthi

    mam u are amazing,, this is very beautiful site and it helped me a lot. i dont have enough money to spend for he dance but with this site i learned so much . god bless u mam

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