When the Anjali Mudra is slightly bulging at the knuckles of the palm we get the Kapota Hasta. In this gesture the palms touch each other only at the Tips and the base of the palm. The center is cupped.
Lets take look the Viniyoga shloka (uses) of the Kapota Hasta
Praname guru sambhashe
vinayange kruteshvayam
The shloka says that Kapota can be used to denote the following:
- Respectful salutations.
- Such a Mudra is held while conversation with teachers or Guru .
- Its a mark of acceptance or obedience.
- It shows the Vinayam (down to earth attitude) quality of an individual.
I am a beginner and just started learning bharatanatyam. I am going to perform hand gestures for a slokam “suklam baradharam vishnum…”. Can you please tell me how to express dantham, eka dantham and aneka dantham?
“Anekadantam bhaktanam” meaning one who gives plenty to the devotees. Which can be shown first by counting the fingers to denote “Aneka” and using Pushpatupta to show the act of Giving. Hansapakshika with both hands showing devotees. “Eka dantam” refers to the one tusked. This can be shown with Shakata in the right hand.
Bharatanatyam is the most beautiful dance!
Hi Madam,
Please help me, I want to know about chaturvedha abhinaya in bharathanatyam,
i like to learn bharatha natyam being so busy in life no chance i will nearn online dats will b fine for me
good i want to learn
I love it ….it helped me to study for my exam ….
Kapota hasta vinyoga is too small?