Chandrakalaa means Digit of the Moon. Release the thumb in Suchi Mudra and hold it straight (like in Shikhara gesture).
Viniyoga shloka:
Chandray mukhay cha pradayshay tanmatra-akaravastuni
Shivasya makutay ganganadyam cha lagudaypi cha
aisha chandrakala chaiva viniyojana vidhiyatay
It is used to denote the following
- Chandray: Moon
- mukhay: Face
- pradayshay: Index of measure ie Extent between the thumb and the Index finger
- Tanmatra-akara- vastuni: Objects of the similar shape
- Shivasya makutay: The crescent on Lord Shiva’s Head
- Ganganadyam : The Ganga river
- laguday: A club (weapon)