This step is slightly different from the earlier ones. The Bols are the same Tat Tai Ta Ha Dhit Tai Ta Ha.
Lets take a look at how the sixth step is different.
1. Be in ardhamandal posture. Place your hands close to the chest in Tripataka .
2. Jump on your toes. Hands are in Tripataka hasta close to the chest and facing up. See to it that the elbows donot drop down. Hold them firm. Say Tat.
3. Tap your right leg while the left leg is still raised. Bend your upperbody to the right side. See to it that your body does not bend forward. You must feel the stretch on your waist on left side. Hands are placed below the shoulder level, stretched in tripataka hasta. Say Tai.
4. Jump on your toes again. Hands are in Tripataka hasta close to the chest and facing up. Like we did in 2 above. Hold them firm. Say Ta.
5. Now tap your left leg while the right leg is raised (on the toes). Bend your upperbody to the left side. Left hand is placed below the shoulder level, stretched in Tripataka hasta facing down. The right hand is placed close to the chest in tripataka hasta facing up. Say Ha. (Like 3 above).
6. Yet another jump on the toes. Right hand is stretched upward in a 45 dregree angle to the face on the right side in tripataka hasta facing out. Left hand is placed close to the chest in tripataka hasta facing down. Say Dhit.
7. Now tap your right leg while the left leg is raised (on the toes). The right hand that is kept at the 45 degree angle is turned such that Tripataka hasta faces inwards. The left hand that is placed at the chest is also turned such that Tripataka hasta faces up. Say Tai.
8. Again jump on the toes. Left Hand is now placed on the left side in a 45 degree angle to the face (like we did for 6 above). Right hand is placed close to the chest in tripataka hasta facing down. Say Ta.
9. Now tap your left leg while the right leg is raised (on the toes). The left hand that is kept at the 45 degree angle is turned such that Tripataka hasta faces inwards. The right hand that is placed at the chest is also turned such that Tripataka hasta faces up. Say Ha.
Now begin this step from the left hand side. I shall be posting the video soon.